Faculty and Staff are required to take one of the courses.
All faculty and staff -- full-time and part-time -- are required to complete their appropriate course. The Supervisor course is approximately 2 hours, and the Non-Supervisor course is approximately 1 hour. Both courses can be completed in multiple sessions.
Please complete this training within your first 30 days of employment. Again, this is a mandatory training. In addition to this message, subsequent reminders will be sent until you have completed this required course. This course will be assigned to you via Workday.
*Please note that both trainings will be available to you on your account. We will have documentation that you completed one.
EO Training – Supervisor
This course trains supervisors to recognize, prevent, and respond to workplace harassment and discrimination based on "protected characteristics." The course also helps supervisors address inappropriate behavior before it creates a "hostile work environment" by giving supervisors the skills necessary to reduce potential legal risks by recognizing and addressing abusive behavior and other misconduct, including microaggressions and unconscious bias that may lead to workplace bullying or hostility, reducing productivity and creativity.
EO Training – Non-Supervisor
This training engages employees and raises their awareness about harassment and discrimination by explaining the law, as well as how to recognize harassment and discrimination and report misconduct to the appropriate person. It provides them with practical tips on helping maintain a safe, inclusive environment for work, including safe and positive options for bystander intervention, advice on using inclusive language in the workplace, and information on microaggressions.
Other important information:
- You will need internet access and audio capabilities.
- You may take the course in multiple sessions.
- The course may include surveys to help personalize your experience and measure participants' attitudes and behaviors. All survey responses are confidential; the school will only receive information about the participant group as a whole and will never see individual answers.
- Technical support is available through the IT Solution Center, solution@iastate.edu, 515-294-4000.