
Cyclone Vision statue

Services By Request

Several services are available to students, faculty, and staff during an incident investigation. These must be requested through our OEO Specialists.

graphic of a consultation


Faculty, staff, and students may meet with Equal Opportunity (EO) staff to consult about concerns they think might be related to discrimination or harassment.  These consultations aim to clarify issues and identify appropriate actions, options, possible solutions, and available resources and support.  Issues and disputes unrelated to EO may be referred to other campus units for appropriate resources or resolution. 

graphic of people with conversation bubbles

Facilitated Conversation

A facilitated conversation is a constructive dialogue between two or more individuals that allows for voices to be heard and perspectives to be shared.  Because it is a conversation, working toward a particular resolution or agreement is not the intended outcome.  In addition, the facilitated conversation is not part of and does not imply or initiate any formal complaint or investigation.  Rather, the conversation offers an informal resolution to the concerns an individual has engaged our office to address.

EO Program/Training Request Form

Please fill out the following form to request a presentation from Equal Opportunity.